
Story Structure – End

I really like Post-it notes! So much so I’ll write a whole post about them at some point, but in relation to the story structure the 8 point story circle works so perfectly on post-it’s, so as I’ve been planning episodes using the story circle with my 8 post-its

What I realise after doing this is that if I put another circle of post-its around the first I get a 12 post-it circle if you remember the earlier post I mentioned I wanted to have each episode be around 12 mins, so now each post-it in the 12 point circle is a scene and each scene is a minute, so I can plan my story minutes by minute to make sure I hit every beat at around the right time, obviously, all this is theoretical and in reality thing might end up moving around but for me, this has been a great way to plan out my scene, episode, and seasons, these also severs as great reference for down the road when I want to remember what happened when I have an easy visual representation of each episode.

There it is, we’ve talked about story structure, the history of storytelling, a little on how I discovered my love of story, and finally the method I’ve found to put these things in practice and create a reliable, methodical way to create and critique my own stories, there always more to learn and everyone had a different idea of what makes a story good, hopefully you’ll find mine as interesting as I do.

Let me know your great books or articles you’ve read on storytelling in the comments below!

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